The most fundamental thing in spirituality is to be able to feel energies around you and later to tap into the flow of energy.
To tap into the flow of energy you should know how to feel or sense it.
There always exists an energetic presence which, as intuitive beings we are able to sense , you have to be receptive to feel different kinds of
energies which is known as the paranormal.
As a psychic medium my strongest sense is the ability to see and feel subtle energies in- humans, plants, animals and those in spirit who do not
have a presence on the physical plane, such as deceased loved ones and other spirits.
There is energy in everything, in furnitures, houses and it doesn´t matter which religion you have, Science shows us that everything is made up
of energy, everything in this universe is made up of energy.
Energy manifests itself in various form, there is a continuous flow of energy between human beings and their physical surroundings.
Many people think that ghosts are the same as spirit guides or spirits, let me tell you that no they are not.
So many around the world talking about spirits and saying that spirits telling them to share messages online but unfortunately not many can verify
the natur of that spirit or if it is a human spirit.
It is not only human spirits around us, we have other entities as well who can pretend to be human spirits or pretend to be angels.
Only Mediums can confirm and verify what kind of spirits they are communicating with and we don´t need any divination tools or tarot cards for our communication with the spirit world.
I communicate with spirits every single day and I have seen that it is not always positive energy that comes through, sometimes I feel the anger and sadness from them and it affects my energy.
It is very important to know what kind of spirit you calling on, which God or Goddess you like to connect to or which Demon you asking for help from.
Before you open any portals which you do when you using divination tools, you should learn about protection, grounding , centering, banishing
and self dicipline.
I have shared many videos and messages on my social media regarding this and shared the true stories I have worked with, those who have
experienced horror because of portals they opened.
Every single divination tool can open a portal, even your tarot cards can do that.
So many wants to invite their loved ones and communicate with them but what they dont know is that it is not always their loved ones who comes through and if they don´t know how to sense or confirm, they will be missguided.
It is very important for me to tell you that your thoughts always vibrates and through the vibration of your thoughts you will attract the same
vibration towards you, that is exactly why you should never reach out to the spirit world if you have some kind of weakness within you.
Weakness can be sadness, depression, illness, addiction issue or mental weakness, any weakness can make you more vulnerable.
That is also why we say think positive, it is because of that your positive thinking will help you to vibrate higher.
I always tell my clients to do things that makes them happy or brings them joy, such as listen to music every day, meditation, walking in the
nature, have crystal healing, dancing, take spiritual cleansing baths and so much more.
The energies you attract towards yourself are based on your own vibrational frequency but when it comes to haunted locations, those energies
can affect you in many different ways.
I visit many places and houses to help people who have been affected by negative spirits and entities, they all have been through challenges.
I have shared videos on my youtube regarding the signs of spirits and how you can purify and protect your home spiritually.
Signs of spirits or Ghosts in your home
If you have experienced these signs above, you need to purify your home once in a 7 days and protect your home so those negative energies
don´t return, you need to do this in 7 weeks.
Do not show any fear, be very demanding when you cleanse your home and banish all evil as you ask for assistance from heavenly angels.
Loof for signs and see if any of your children have nightmares often or if they are afraid of something in your home.
Pay attention to your energy cause if you live in a haunted place, you will feel it.
Many people believes that only with sage smudge they can cleanse the home or place but I can assure you that only sage is not enough for
a powerful spiritual cleansing, I recommend you watch my video below that is about home cleansing and protection.
When I do my cleansing ceremonies I use many different herbs along with floor wash and powders, it depands on what kind of entities I´m
dealing with in that house.
Never allow your children to be around when you purify your home spiritually, the smoke of all herbs is not good for them to inhale.
If you like to contact me you are welcome to book a session, you can book by following the steps on page Reading prices.
Because of that my time is limited I can not respond emails or messages daily and I always begin with a session.